Intervention and Therapy Options
Just decades ago, many people with autism were placed in institutions. Professionals were less educated about autism than they are
today, and specific services and supports were largely non-existent. The picture is much clearer now. With appropriate services and
supports, training and information, children on the autism spectrum will grow, learn and flourish, even if at a different developmental
rate than others. The basis a treatment plan should come from a thorough evaluation of the child’s strengths and weaknesses.
Teaching Autistic Students
Many children on the autism spectrum have average or above average intelligence. The challenge is getting the student to demonstrate
understanding. The ability to take in information may not be lacking but the student may lack the ability to communicate that he
comprehends the concepts.
Learning style is a factor to consider and while many students on the spectrum may tend to be visual learners, some may learn by
doing (kinaesthetic learners). One critical aspect to consider when teaching a student with autism is the challenges with processing
information. A typical child is able to put different sources of input together to make connections while an autistic student may tend to
take in one element at a time.
Classroom Challenges
One of the biggest obstacles with the topic of autism and education is social interaction with peers. Recess can be a source of great
stress for a student on the spectrum because there is little or no structure during this segment of the school day. In addition, poor social
skills combined with sensory problems can lead to problems on the playground.
Problems with communication, sensory processing and behaviour can interfere with learning and they can be a distraction for the
entire classroom. While inclusion is the ideal, it may not be the most effective approach for all students. The child’s treatment team can
work with the school to determine which classroom setting is best while developing an Individual Education Plan.
Autism and Perspective Taking
If you are a teacher who works with students with autism, then you know that these learners often face their most significant challenges
in the social and emotional realm. It can be really hard for students with autism to regulate their emotions, to read social cues, and to
form meaningful and reciprocal connections with others.
One aspect of developing better social skills, as well as developing critical thinking capacities, is learning about perspective taking. In
other words, you students with autism can gradually learn how to look at the same situation from different points of view.
Sports and Autism
There are several studies showing that exercise is not only good for our body but also good for our minds. Participating in group sports
helps children learn how to work as a team and gain confidence in a skill. Some sports can be challenging for kids with autism. That
doesn’t mean autistic kids should stay away from physical activity, but it is important to help your child to choose sports that they are
likely to enjoy and excel at. Autism creates specific challenges when it comes to sports, but it also opens up some exciting possibilities.
The struggle to find appropriate exercise activities is common among parents who have children with autism.
Take care of yourself
– because caring for a child with Autism or any other intellectual disability is demanding and you face challenges with your own well-being, which often includes depression and weight issues. We want to show you some ideas on what can have a positive impact on
both your physical and mental health. We will introduce some diet practices and exercises in those particular workshops and discussion
Be proud of your Achievements, Be proud of Who You Are
We are inspired by the achievements of other people on the autism spectrum. Seeing people achieve their dreams motivates me to
continue supporting people with the condition.
We want to inspire others to make the most out of life and strive to always be the best they can be. No matter what obstacles life throws
at you, you will get by! There’s light at the end of the tunnel – there’s always hope! Be determined – put yourself out there!
Seeing Autism from a different perspective
Autism isn’t a one-way relationship where parents teaching the children to live in our world. In many situations, they are teaching the
parents to live in their world. Collectively and ideally, families construct their own world and march to their own drum.
Bring on the Future – Successful Transition into Adulthood
Parents often forget that their children will be adults for many more years than they will be small children. The intense focus on early
intervention and the school years can mean we put off planning for our child’s adulthood. The fact is, we need to be planning for the
adult years when our children are still young. Planning ahead, teaching pre-requisite skills and building a scaffold are the best ways to
help our children transition into a happy and fulfilling adult life.
Future Planning
Ensuring quality of life for a loved one with autism requires a care plan with a sound legal and financial foundation. The purpose of a
special needs estate plan is to ensure the economic security and ongoing well-being of your family member, even when you’re no longer
able to assume that responsibility.
Parents Challenges in raising a child with autism
Many parents of children on the autism spectrum face many unique challenges. Often witnessed is the struggle of parents to overcome
the grief and loss of dreams they have for their child. It’s not uncommon for parents with a child on the autism spectrum to experience
increased stress and pressure in their marriages. Parents of children with autism often describe feelings such as “overwhelmed, guilty,
confused, angry, or depressed.” Share your experience in raising a child with Autism and encourage others.